MBL 2019
Maths Beyond Limits 2019 took place on 9-21.09.19 in Milówka, Poland. Participants and tutors came from 19 countries: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, France, Hungary, Norway, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, United Kingdom and United States.
MBL 2019 was a 12-day-long programme, filled with numerous events. Every regular day there were three 80-minute-long blocks of Mathematical Classes. They were devoted to some of the most beautiful concepts in mathematics from outside the high school’s curriculum. During every block there were 3 lecture sessions to choose from, each concerning different mathematical field, which contributed to the diversity of academic experience participants had on the camp. Classes were followed by an hour-long TAU, which stands for Time Academic Unscheduled that was designated for the students to work on the problems independently or with the help of tutors. It was also a great opportunity to clarify any points of the classes that were found hard or insufficiently explained. The last regular mathematical events were Camper Talks, i.e. a 30-minute-long presentations given by some participants on topics connected to mathematics they were interested in. Their main goal was to give participants the opportunity to practice important skills of clear presentation of mathematical topics in English while inspiring others with their passions. Students had prepared them beforehand and consulted them with staff members during the camp.
Special event in 2019 included solving puzzles to unravel a mystery during the Night Criminal Puzzle Hunt or hiking in Beskidy mountains followed by playing guitars and singing by the Campfire. Participants also got a chance to talk about careers, universities and olympiads with tutors and organisers during the Questions Evening Café. Moreover, they were able to improve their problem solving skills thanks to Relays (team competition similar to Náboj) and Team Problem Solving.