MBL 2017
Maths Beyond Limits 2017 was an international mathematics camp for high school students from Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. It took place on 6-17.09.17 in Milówka, Poland and was free of charge, thanks to the generous financial support from the International Visegrad Fund and the Adamed Group Foundation.
The project was run under the patronage of the Polish Children’s Fund – an established Polish NGO operating in the field of talented youth education with undisputable experience of organising science and interdisciplinary camps – in cooperation with partner organisations from other countries, which were Joy of Thinking Foundation (Hungary), Trojsten (Slovakia) and Faculty of Mathematics and Physic at Charles University in Prague (Czech Republic). All of them are involved in organising mathematical camps, national and international competitions, summer schools and seminars for youth interested in mathematics.
MBL 2017 was an 11-day-long programme, filled with numerous events. Every regular day there were three 80-minute-long blocks of Mathematical Classes. Classes were followed by 45-minute-long TAU and then Camper Talks. The hard work was followed by fun, challenging, educational or thought-provoking Evening Activities and Sports such as running as well as playing volleyball, football and frisbee.
On MBL we do not to let anyone get bored, therefore also quite a few special events were organised. We went for a Hike in Beskidy mountains and solved a mystery during the Night Criminal Game, as well as had fun playing guitars and singing by the Campfire. Participants also got a chance to talk about careers, universities and olympiads with tutors and organisers during the Questions Evening Café. Moreover, they were able to improve their problem solving skills thanks to Relays (team competition similar to Náboj), Mathematical Matches and Olympic Challenge. There were 3 divisions of Mathematical Matches differing in difficulty, each of them was a team contest where teams got problem sets in the evening and presented their solutions by the board the next day. If students wanted to train a specific branch of mathematics, they were able to do so in the Olympic Challenge. If they solved a given problem, they were rewarded with a next one and if they got stuck, they could ask staff members for hints.
