Apply as a participant

Applications for MBL 2024 are now closed. Applications for MBL 2025 will start in the spring of 2025.

Maths Beyond Limits is an international camp for high school students, who enjoy solving math problems together.
We welcome people from a wide range of backgrounds and different countries from all over the world to join us for two weeks in Poland.

The recruitment process consists of two parts: Qualifying Quiz and Applicant Questionnaire.

We take into account not only applicants’ performance in the Qualifying Quiz and their academic achievements, but also their potential to benefit from the camp and the willingness to contribute to our community by organising Evening Activities, giving Camper Talks or conducting full three-day Mathematical Classes. Including good proposals in the Applicant Questionnaire will increase the chances of your application getting accepted.

As a participant, if your proposal of a Mathematical Class gets accepted you become a semitutor. Conducting classes is an opportunity to give back to the camp community and improve your skills in teaching others. If you want to give a class at MBL check out “apply as a tutor” section for more guidance and include your proposal in the appropriate section of the Applicant Questionnaire.

If you are planning to apply please carefully read application guidelines and FAQ! 

In case of any additional questions, contact us at