MBL Balkans Team

Boris Stanković
President of the organising committee
Boris is currently a second-year student who studies Statistics, Actuarial and Financial Mathematics at the Mathematical Faculty in Belgrade. He finished the first three semesters of his studies with perfect grades. His biggest passion is organizing mathematical events, especially those related to education. Boris is constantly fighting to improve the educational system and mathematical community in the Balkans and is always happy to help any talented kid who approaches him. His dream is to start his own company that will give the most talented young people a chance to stay in the Balkans and apply their maths knowledge to solve challenging real-world problems

Andrej Madunić
Vice-president of the organising committee
Andrej is a first-year psychology student at the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Sarajevo. Apart from his passion for history, science and sports, he is an avid education activist, which is probably a topic you can get him started on at any time of day. He loves long and heated debates on any topic, so if you are bored, you can always challenge him to a discussion.

Rastko Stanković
Vice-president of the organising committee
Rastko is a senior year student at 2nd gymnasium Sarajevo. He loves solving Olympic problems, especially combinatorics and number theory. His biggest passion is participating in or organising mathematical camps. If you ever want to show someone a cool math trick, go talk to him!

Adi Hujić
Vice-president of the organising committee
Currently studying second year of Maths and Computer Science at the Faculty of Science at Sarajevo University. Spent the last year teaching in the Druga gimnazija Maths club. Besides being passionate about maths, especially combinatorics, he loves watching and playing basketball, football and chess.

Andrej Krčmar
Vice-president of the organising committee
Currently a high school sophomore at Gimnazija Banja Luka. Highly passionate about maths, especially combinatorics. Likes to think he is good at solving olympiad problems. Other interests include music (especially rock) and playing chess. Always looking to learn something new. Likes many sports, but is not particularly good at any.

Lara Jana Pačak
Logistics Coordinator
A second-year physics student, actively involved in science popularization through STEM programs, collaborating with NASA, and playing vital roles at the Scientific Society “Vladimir Prelog.” Infused with a love for the vibrant shades of purple and the sweetness of raspberries, she dreams of witnessing the enchanting Northern Lights in Iceland. Her laughter from a kilometer away reflects the hope to contribute positively to the camp atmosphere. Eagerly awaiting mathematical praise, she envisions a reaction similar to Newton’s Third Law in physics—where her support for mathematics elicits positive words about physics in return.

Tatjana Novaković
HR Coordinator
Currently studying second year of Astronomy and astrophysics at the Mathematical Faculty in Belgrade. She is involved in researching the nature of gravity through the study of stellar streams. In the Erasmus student network in Belgrade, she is the Education manager. Besides being passionate about applying maths in physics, she likes to travel and read classics. Hopes to hear some nice words about physics from mathematicians during the MBL Balkans 2024.

Asja Ćatić
PR Coordinator
A senior at the Second gymnasium in Sarajevo. Asja loves solving problems and did a lot of competitive maths growing up. She also teaches younger students at her school’s Maths Club. Not much of a sportsperson but she really enjoys skiing. Hit her up if you’re organizing a dance party!

Aleksandar Brkić
Member of the organising committee
Currently studying as a freshman at the Faculty of electrical engineering at the University of Belgrade. As much as he loves maths, especially analysis, he is also passionate about machine learning and programming, science (both in general and cognitive), chess and rowing. He also has a fondness for puzzles, board games, and debating.

Vasilije Ivanović
Member of the organising committee
Student of Statistics and Financial Mathematics at Mathematical Faculty, University of Belgrade and Computer Science at Computing Faculty, University Union. Plays water polo for the Water polo Singiudunum in the Senior Serbian League. Huge combinatorics and probability enthusiast. Always tries to understand all the processes that are happening to him and the reason behind them. Beginner in Machine learning but determined to master it. Enjoys reading books that dive into deep and complex psychological and philosophical topics. Lives for those moments when he inspires others in any way, and the day when he will wield a real purple lightsaber.

Marko Dimitrić
Member of the organising committee
A first-year Mathematics and Computer Science student at University of Oxford, he draws wisdom from the legacies of Jaynes, Shannon, Pearl, and Philomena Cunk. Inspired by the groundbreaking insights of these intellectual giants, his interest lies in understanding how mathematics guides decision-making and information processing. Put plainly, he likes processing information. This naturally extends to interest in overthinking and AI. In moments of procrastination, you might find him delving into philosophy, cognitive science, or indulging in the endless scroll of social media. He also tried to do other things in life, finding success on occasion. If asked questions, he might provide answers.

Ilma Čeljo
Member of the organising committee
Ilma is a senior year highschool student at the Second gymnasium in Sarajevo. She is passionate about maths and has participated in many mathematical camps. She also went to EGMO a couple of times. Apart from maths, she enjoys hiking the mountain ranges in Bosnia, so if you are looking for hiking suggestions feel free to talk to her. Also, like many other Bosnians, she is always up to a game of table tennis.

Ervin Macić
Co-president of the mathematical committee
Finished high school in Sarajevo and now works part-time at two start-ups. Has a love for applied mathematics and machine learning in particular. He works on AI safety which he finds to be the best way for him to have a positive impact with his life. He also loves having conversations about anything that you feel strongly about.

Jovan Vuković
Co-president of the mathematical committee
Jovan currently studies maths at the Mathematical Faculty in Belgrade. He participated in the IMO two times winning a silver medal in 2022 and a bronze medal in 2020. He is mostly interested in number theory, but he likes other branches of maths well, most notably Galois Theory and Extremal Graph Theory which he conducted some research on recently. Jovan is a big fan of strategy games and a passionate table tennis and volleyball player.

Emir Kalajdžija
Member of the organising committee
Currently a mathematics teacher in the Second Gymnasium Sarajevo, the most prestigious maths school in the country, graduated with a BSc and MSc degree in Mathematics from the University of Sarajevo. One of the founders and coordinators of the Mathematics Club in The Second Gymnasium Sarajevo. Incredible teaching enthusiast who constantly encourages his students to learn more and likes to collaborate with them. He always finds new motivation to learn about mathematics in every discussion with fellow mathematicians.

Amar Bašić
Member of the organising committee
Currently a teaching assistant at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Sarajevo and an advanced maths teacher in the Second Gymnasium Sarajevo. Graduated with a BSc and MSc degree in Mathematics from the University of Sarajevo. One of the founders and coordinators of the Mathematics Club in The Second Gymnasium Sarajevo. The urban legend of mathematics teaching in Sarajevo. Known for being always ready to talk to his students about their problems either mathematical or life ones.

Benjamin Mujkić
Junior Counselor
Student of the third grade of the Second Gymnasium in Sarajevo. He managed to win many prizes from the international competitions in mathematics. Due to the huge application of mathematics in computer science, he competes also in competitive programming. Besides that; he likes to travel, hang out with other people and play the piano.

Matej Luka Pačak
Junior Counselor
Say hello to our youngest ninth grade wizard with a passion for coding, robotics, and serious basketball skills. When he’s not scoring baskets, you’ll find him glued to Marvel movies or caught up in the excitement of Formula 1. With a mix of youthful energy and coding magic, he’s ready to bring a burst of humor, technological wizardry and a splash of hoop dreams to camp.

Isa Švrakić
Junior Counselor
Isa is a junior-year student at the IB Diploma Programme in the Second Gymnasium Sarajevo. He is a math enthusiast who loves to solve problems and challenge his abilities. Besides that, Isa is a huge football and gym lover and is always up for sharing his positive energy.
The Mathematical Committee
The mathematical committee plays a crucial role in ensuring a positive mathematical experience for everyone at the camp. Their responsibilities include selecting quality questions for the QQ, choosing the best tutors, choosing camper talks, and picking appropriate problems for the camp’s various mathematical events. It is led by:
Adi Hujić, Boris Stanković, Ervin Macić and Jovan Vuković as co-presidents.
Other members of the committee are:
Andrej Krčmar, Arsenii Nikolaiev, Asja Ćatić, Benjamin Mujkić, Emira Ibrahimović, Esma Mašić, Imana Alibašić, Luca Sartori, Marko Dimitrić, Marko Vučić, Naida Purišević, Nikola Velov, Radoslaw Zak, Roksolana Ivanchuk, Srđan Stefanović and Zlata Stefanović.